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daria of change has lived in los angeles, California since she was 2.

born in Poland, a California Girl at heart.


prior to 2017, she worked for the likes of Oprah and jay Leno in high-powered,

corporate roles as a digital and Social media content creator, strategist and marketer.


Then she decided to make a change.


cashing in every penny she had earned, she gave herself a year off work.

that's when the music came.

a classically trained pianist since the age of 8, she always had music in her,

but had never composed. it came flooding out - song after song. 


sometimes she raps. sometimes she sings.

sometimes she plays guitar or piano or flute.

sometimes she makes EDM instrumentals.


daily she makes art and memes of her philosophical mantras

with the intention of spreading positivity and critical thinking outwards.


always she chooses love over hate. 


always her music comes from a place of gratitude and authenticity

parsed through a filter of her #thinkforyourself, macro-level philosophy.





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